Back to School!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It is that time of year for us HIPP Moms that have school aged children--time to go back to school!  Ready, OH YEAH, says this HIPP Mom!  I love my kids and I create a lot of my world around them, but, I am a HIPP Mom--I need my space, I need my time and the summer fun was great but it is time for a new season!  
I will admit I had a few tears this year as my daughter Kaili (my oldest) walked across the street to middle school!   It was only 6 years ago I had tears in my eyes when she went off on the school bus, out of my life and onto a new chapter.  Once again, she is on to a new chapter.  I watched her walk across the street and the sentimental deep hearted girl that I truly am, could not help but think she is walking into another chapter and another road to travel in her life!  She is ready, she will thrive--it is me that has a hard time letting go of my "little girl"!   My boys got on the bus shortly after, and my son Cameron had his "last first day of school at the bus stop" as he will join big sis next year.  They are growing and growing up so fast!  

What do I know?
-Life goes by way to fast, we need to really slow down and be grateful for what we have!
-They really do grow so fast, be with them as much as you can, and be present when you are there (a lesson I am always reminding myself of)!
-Create a work situation or hobby that you are able to do around your family life!
-September is crazy, do more this month to feed your soul and breathe between the hectic pace and busy schedule!

Have a HIPP back to school week and no matter the age of your child, they are always walking towards a new road to travel.

Have a HIPP day as we embark on a new season!


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