Got A Plan?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

As HIPP moms, we want more in our life.  We are Happy, and we are grateful, but we also want to be the best we can be in every area in our life.  We yearn to get off the hamster wheel of life (even thou some days we get caught on it).  HIPP moms try to avoid being stagnant and try not to confuse chaos with momentum and productivity.  

What is it that you want more of in your life?  

For some of you the answer could be time, money, peace, patience, balance, the list goes on and on.  I want all of these things, and some times I have them, and some times I find myself working towards them and challenged at reaching them.

Recently in my business, we were talking about goal setting.    If there is something you want more of in you life, you have to create it, you have to go after it, and the way to do so is to decide what it is that you want, and set a goal to get there, it is fairly simple yet people miss out on the importance of setting goals and having a plan.  

People don't plan to fail, they only plan to succeed!
My business partner shared a great analogy that I want to share with you (we can most all relate to dieting and weight loss or staying fit).    

People don't plan on being over weight and unhealthy.  They don't decide that they will have extra fat around their mid-section and body, they don't plan to sit on the couch all day and eat what ever they can.  They don't plan to open a bag of chips and eat the whole thing.  Here is the example on how we don't plan to fail, it just happens because we failed to plan!

On the other hand, when someone plans to be at their goal weight, be fit, they need to plan.  They set the goal (weight, how they will feel, what size they will be), and then they come up with a plan on how they will get there: what foods they will eat (in what size portions), how much water they will drink, how much exercise they will do...
They plan to succeed and when they follow that plan, they reach their goal!

So HIPP mom, what is it that you want more of in your life.  Once you decide what that is, set a realistic goal and then come up with a PLAN to get there!  Follow your plan, review your plan and stay committed to your plan and goal until you reach it.

Start planning your HIPP life right now!
Ready, set, PLAN!


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