We are family, I've got all my sisters with me!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today I sing the song which celebrates family and which celebrates having a sister (if you don't have a sister, you do have a girlfriend so just feel that love)!  I left my home at 5:30am to drive to Boston because my sister was having surgery.  It was a mild form of brain surgery and thank God all turned out well, she did great and should be home recovering in 3 days (and back to normal in a month).  I was so proud of my sister today and had tears just thinking about not only what a great sister she is to me, but also what a GREAT mom she is to my two teenage nieces.   My sis is and has always been a SAHM.  I have to say she does the job amazing and has dedicated her life to raising her girls and taking care of her home.  What I love most is seeing my nieces and what great girls they are and the relationship they have with their HIPP Mom.  My sister inspires me.  She inspires me to put family first, live simply, and she is one of the few that say the teenage years are really not that bad (she is enjoying her girls and this time in their life--for the most part)!    It was a hard day for me to see her laying in bed, she is always the strong one taking care of us all.  She is my big sister (or as we say in Boston "Sista"), and I had the pleasure of taking care of her today after her surgery.     
As moms we need to take care of our bodies and stay strong.   So rather than complain or sweat the small stuff today, celebrate your health, your vitality and the amazing sista's in your life!    So, if you are having a bad day, break into the song "We are family", how could you not feel better or more empowered!?  
Have a HIPP day!


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