Create A Vision for Your Best Life Mom!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Vision is so important in all areas of our life.  While growing my home based business, I have always needed to have a big vision.  Vision comes naturally to me, I have always had a vision of what I wanted my life to look like.  In fact, before I even knew my husband, I can remember having a vision of my life and can actually picture how it would look.  I would be married, I would be a mom and I also pictured myself on a beach with a cell phone and my kids running around while I worked my "flexible business".   Part of my vision was that I made a great income but it was on my own terms.  I even had the song "girls just want to have fun" in my mind (I think I got this vision from an AT&T commercial) and created my own version.  The cool part is that this IS MY LIFE TODAY!!!!  I am happily married, I have kids running around (and in the summer, on the beach) and I have a home based business that has been successful and I work my business around my family.  I work a flexible schedule.  

I continue to have a vision, it grows as I grow.  I love my life so there are not a ton of things I would change but areas I would love to improve.  My vision for living my best life as mom keeps me fresh (when days are crazy and busy).  It keeps me positive (because otherwise I could complain about a lot of small stuff) and it gives me something to work towards.  Looking and feeling beautiful on the inside and out, that is always part of the vision.  Helping woman and children in some way (in a big way), that is part of the vision.  Inspiring many to be their best, that is part of the vision.  Providing the best home life and opportunities for my family, that is part of the vision.  So, as you read this and think about your own life.  What vision do you have for you as a mom and for you as a person!  Think Big!  If you had no boundaries, what would your life look like?  Here are some questions to get you going....  How would you feel?  How would you look?  What clothes would you wear?  How would you help others?  What does your family look like?   Living your best life as a mom is a work in progress.  It starts today and it is about giving yourself time, time to think, time to pamper, time to take care of yourself, time to have friendships, time to get organized, time to think clearly, time to spend on positive thoughts and time to relax (yeah right, I know that one is a tough one)!    Start with a vision, both big and small and continue to picture your dreams becoming a reality!  Have a HIPP day and live your best life Mom! 


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