Morning Glory!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Most moms find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, we are tired, and there is nothing like warm blankets in the morning and knowing you might have another 1/2 hour of sleep to enjoy.  Sleep is so important and is a requirement for HIPP Moms!  As much as I find it hard to get out of bed in the morning (on some days), I also love the morning and being up before everyone else is.  On the days that I am up and have started my day, I am more centered, more balanced and ready to take on the day!  Throughout my years of being a mom, I have dedicated morning time to working out and getting exercise (I would say 75% of the time).  Running a home based business and raising my family gave me no time during the day to work out, therefore, I had to CREATE time and waking up early and getting it done before the kids were out of bed has served me best.  Now that they are school age I don't have to do this, but I try to do it when possible as I feel better throughout the day starting my day that way.  The best change in my morning routine that I made a few years back is adding spiritual or reading time right when I wake up.   I brew coffee, gather my scripture and mom devotional and spend time alone, silent and praying before I start my day.  If you are not so inclined to do this, start out with baby steps, perhaps read a book which is positive and sends positive messages.  This fills my cup, helps me to connect and ground myself in my faith.  Morning glory to me is not just a flower--like the ones my mom looked forward to each spring, or an incredibly delicious muffin, it is time for me, time to nurture my faith, time to exercise my body and mind and getting myself ready to take on the day in a Happy, Inspiring, Productive and Passionate way!!!  HIPP Moms live with intent and purpose, we choose how we spend our time, even if we need to make ourselves do it on some days.  Try starting your mornings filling your cup, investing time in yourself so that you can be there for others.    Have a HIPP and glorious day!


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