Hold My Hand

Saturday, April 24, 2010

As we wrap up vacation week, at dinner last night my husband posed the question to the family "what was your favorite part of vacation in New York City"!  While each child talked about their favorite site or the best thing they did, I came up with an answer that had nothing to do with the amazing sites we saw and all the fun we had.  My favorite part of being in NYC was holding my babies hands so much!  We walked a great deal over the 3 days we were there, and in the city, we held the kids hands as much as possible.   I still hold their hands, but not as much as I did when they were toddlers and pre-schoolers.  At ages 10, 9 and 8, they are a bit too cool to grab my hand, so at this point it is rare that we are holding hands unless we are in a parking lot or crossing a busy street.  I still hug and kiss them a ton and I absolutely love the affection I still have with them.  For the most part, they still love that and will only fight me on it if friends are around or they are trying to do something.  Holding hands is so special.  It is a physical connection which reminds me that they are an extension of me!  I don't really think about it when I grab their hand, but this vacation I really thought about it.  The best part of being in the big city was holding my babies hands and loving their precious ages!  
Have a HIPP day and appreciate the hand you are holding, some day it will probably be bigger than yours!  


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