Ice Scream (literally)!

Monday, July 26, 2010

I can remember singing "I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream"!  One of my childhood memories is going to the waterfront in Plymouth for ice cream (and sometimes to a place closer to home), when dad would hand us the cone, he would take a bite "to test it for us"!   As adults we like to carry on some traditions, I love this one and I am happy to carry on the family tradition with my kids.

My kids DO NOT like this and it is usually a race for me to get a bite before I hand it to them.  My youngest is a little "fire plug" and REALLY does not like it and he is usually grabbing it out of my hand before I can "test it".  His hand/eye coordination is like none I have seen and his speed equally matches those skills!  Anyhow, last night we are out for ice cream (talk about HIPP moms), and not only do they mess up and I don't get the one I want, they gave my son the one I wanted.  Rather than work it out like a rational adult with the servers, I decide to get into a tugging match with Colby to get my ice cream back.  At first it was playful, but then that little determined boy (I have no idea where he gets it)--fought me hard that I looked at him (okay, irrational not so HIPP moment) raising my voice and demand if give me the ice cream!!!!!!    It was no longer a mother/son relationship, it was every man for himself--very rarely do we forget we are moms but on rare occasion, we step out of that role!!!!!! 

So, I have since given new meaning to the verse "I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream".  Okay, that is the scoop for now!  Have a HIPP day and see if you can be the "tester" for your family or better yet, get in a tug of war "taking candy from a baby"!

HIPP Moms have "Mom Moments" as long as we learn from them, laugh and move on! 


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