Get Your HIPP Game ON!

Friday, August 27, 2010

You've gotta get your HIPP Game on!!!!!!  You either go through life driven by situation or circumstance or you decide what your day will look like, what your week will look like and yes, what your month and year will look like!  

I want to encourage you to get your HIPP game on!  HIPP stands for happy, inspired, passionate and yes, productive!  Here are some simple steps to create a HIPP Day, try this on for just one day and get your HIPP GAME ON!!!!

1.  Choose only positive thoughts about yourself and those around you!  

2.  View everything around you with GRATITUDE!  Truly notice the beauty around you and inside of you and inside of those you like or perhaps dislike!

3.  Get excited about something, create a vision for something and go after it!  Start out small!  Your vision should be big but give yourself something you can create and work towards in the next 3 months and reward yourself for it!  Think of someone you know that inspires you.  Ask them or observe how they do it, what they do and be the person you are suppose to be.  YOU must grow!!!!

4.  Ignite your passion!  What do you love?  What ever it is, see it, speak it and share it!!!!!

5.  Simplify your life!  In order to be productive, that may mean doing less!  Yes, get rid of all the obligations, all the to do's, and trying to be everything to everyone!  Be real, be you, and focus on what really is important in your life (not what others think should be important for you)!

You are HIPP and you are ready to take steps to make sure you are HIPP and not settling for less!  C'mon, mom, GAME ON!  You only have so many years to be the mom in your home, play full out at that role and in other roles in your life!!!!

A few months ago as I was working on a health/fitness goal, I pictured myself in a size 2 dress, petite and fitting me to a Tee.  I was in a boutique this summer and saw the dress I am wearing in the picture above.    The price was more than I wanted to pay, but when I tried it on, I felt (how I imagined I would feel in my right size dress).  I decided to treat myself because I had a successful month in my business and in my personal life.     Picture your dress, jeans or "place" you want to be.  You can get there, just one step at a time.  HIPP LIVING is the way to go, to reach your full potential!

Wishing you play full out! 


Anonymous said...

Great post and pic! People love list posts! How is twitter coming?

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