They are predicting a snow storm this weekend, they are not sure we will get hit with it or not! I want the storm, I welcome the storm, it is Gods way of saying, slow down, hunker down and enjoy what I have created for you!!!!
It is such a beautiful season and I really love the sights, the sounds, the smells and the wonderment of it all! I just need to remind myself that I need to not over schedule myself between work and social gatherings and also, to have a game plan and start early!
Do something for yourself either today or over the weekend! Remember, you are Christmas for your family! You are the one to do the shopping, wrap the gifts, plan the events, do the cooking and perhaps cleaning, mail out the Christmas cards, and either put up the tree or re-decorate it after the kids go to bed!
Take time this weekend to indulge in something for you! Go for a pedi or mani, or take a nice bath at home! Light a candle and relax and slow down for just one moment! I am going to do the same over this busy weekend!
Have a HIPP day!!!!
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