As we embark on this new year. I encourage you to be on purpose this year. It is a new year, how about a new you? What does that mean? It is simple.... it is just giving some thought or intention to how you are and how you could be? Don't change who you are, just change the things that you do or think that do not serve you. Also, set goals! What is your hearts desire? What is the one thing you would like to accomplish even if you think you can't do it. My advise is simply this: "Just Do It"!
N never ever give up!
E strive for excellence in all you do ( not perfection)
W write down your goals!
Y yesterday is a canceled check, live today and plan for tomorrow
E encourage everyone around you (build them up, don't bring them down)
A attitude is everything, make it a positive one!
R Be Real! Be yourself, be authentic and never try and be someone else!
G give more
O be an Oprah in the world, inspire others and live your best life!
A aim high
L love, laugh and learn at all times!
S live a life of success! Success is living life the way you choose to live it!
Happy New Year and Get ready for some HIPP Happenings this Year! I feel incredibly empowered between work, home and living my best life! Lets cheer each other on HIPP Living in 2011 and beyond!
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